فك تشفير رقم VIN لمركبات كرايسلر Freightliner

احصل على معلومات مفصلة من خلال رقم VIN لمركبات كرايسلر Freightliner

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Freightliner التحقق من رقم VIN: ما هو Freightliner VIN؟

Freightliner started as a way for Consolidated Freightways to get around strict vehicle length laws. By building the cab over the engine, the carrier could use longer trailers, increasing cargo capacity while still meeting regulations. Freightliner started selling trucks to other companies in the 1950s, and by the 1970s, it was a separate company from CF. Daimler-Benz bought Freightliner in 1981, putting it in control of their North American commercial vehicle divisions. From there, they acquired Oshkosh, American LaFrance, Thomas Built, Western Star, Detroit Diesel and Ford’s heavy duty truck division. By consolidating these operations, they have a presence in nearly every commercial truck segment, including chassis cabs for RVs, school buses, fire trucks and both medium and heavy-duty tractors. They even sold Mercedes-Benz Sprinter vans through their dealer network in the 2000s.

Do you need an affordable work truck? Would a used Sprinter be perfect for an overland conversion? Whether you’re looking at a cargo van or a Class 8 semi, visit EpicVIN before you buy. By using a VIN check, you can get the vehicle’s configuration information, including the engine and vehicle class. This makes finding the right truck a whole lot simpler. Worried you might buy a lemon? When you order a VIN report from us, you’ll get accident reports, title changes and other useful information about the truck’s history. That way, you can be confident you’re buying the right Freightliner for you.

قائمة Freightliner الموديلات

Freightliner البحث عن رقم VIN

When it comes to medium and heavy-duty trucks, you have a lot of options. Even within one model line, there are different drive systems, engines, cabs, chassis lengths and GVWR capacities. The easiest way to find the right configuration is by decoding the VIN. This number isn’t just a way to identify a specific vehicle. It also contains information about where and when the truck was built, as well as the parts Freightliner used when they built it. This gives you more information than a seller is likely to include on a sales listing. It also helps you identify errors, making it easier to weed out trucks that don’t have what you’re looking for.

أين تبحث عن رقم VIN؟

There are several places where you can find this number printed on Freightliner’s trucks, rolling chassis and vans. If you’re looking at an RV based on a Freightliner chassis, be aware that the vehicle has two VIN numbers. One VIN is issued by Freightliner, while the other VIN is issued by the RV outfitter. The same goes for upfitted trucks, although it’s usually easier to pick out which VIN is for the glider or chassis, and which one is for the completed vehicle. Here are the most common places you’ll find the VIN number:

  • Look at the dashboard, next to the driver’s seat. You should see a small metal plate next to the windshield.
  • On trucks, there is an information plate or sticker above the seat belt, next to the driver’s door. This ID lists the VIN. On vans, you can usually find this plate or sticker on the step next to the driver’s door, or on the driver’s side B pillar.
  • If you have an RV, look at the wall next to the driver’s seat. There is usually a large sticker or plate with vehicle information, including the VIN. Some outfitters put this plate or sticker inside one of the closets.
  • Open the hood. Look for one or two metal tags riveted to the radiator support. At least one of these should have the VIN.

Freightliner also prints at least part of the VIN on the chassis. Most of the time, this is just the vehicle’s serial number. These digits should match up with the last characters of the VIN. Locations vary from model to model, but it’s usually close to one of the rear leaf spring mounts.

Where to find VIN on a vehicle?

دليل توضيحي حول أداة فك تشفير رقم VIN

What do all those characters in the VIN mean? Here’s a breakdown of this identifying code, along with common characters and their meanings.

VIN Decode Guide?

The first three characters in the VIN identify the country, manufacturer and division. American made trucks usually have these codes:

1FUComplete truck
1FVChassis cab or glider
4UVCustom chassis, mostly found on RVs

3AK and 3AL are codes for Mercedes-Benz Mexico, the manufacturer of Freightliner’s Sprinter vans.

The fourth character is the drive configuration:

A4x2 truck
B4x2 truck/tractor
F6x2 truck
J6x2 truck/tractor

Characters 5 and 6 are the truck model, cab type and GVWR. Here are the codes for Freightliner’s most popular models:

AAFLB glider Class 8
A3Century Class 120 inch Class 8
AWArgosy Class 8
A5Columbia 120 inch Class 7
GLCascadia 125 inch Class 8
GACascadia 113 inch Day Cab Class 7
GP24U Coranado 122 inch Class 8

Characters 7 and 8 are the engine manufacturer and brake type. With so many possible combinations, it’s impossible to list them all here. It’s much easier to search for the VIN on our site, and use our decoder to find out which engine was installed at the factory.

Character 9 is the check digit. This verifies the rest of the VIN is correct.

Character 10 is the year the truck was built. This can be one of 30 numbers and letters. Numbers 1-9 were last used from 2001 to 2009.


Character 11 is the manufacturing plant. With so many truck models and divisions in their portfolio, there is a long list of plants where their trucks are built.

The remaining characters in the VIN are the truck’s serial number. Serial numbers are reused, so these last 6 digits aren’t enough to identify a specific truck or chassis.

Freightliner عينات VIN

What can you learn when you use our online tools to decode a VIN? Here are some examples of real Freightliner VIN numbers:

  • 1FUYSSEB3YLG35903: 2000 CC Conventional with a 12.7 liter Detroit Diesel S60
  • 1FVXSMDB4XP951853: 1999 CC Conventional with a 10.8 liter Cummins M11
  • 4UZAAHAK22CK96703: 2002 XC Chassis with a 7.2 liter Caterpillar 3126
  • 2000 FREIGHTLINER Long Conv.

    2000 FREIGHTLINER Long Conv.

    Listed for sale on:
    عداد المسافات:
    658,016 km
  • 1999 FREIGHTLINER Long Conv.

    1999 FREIGHTLINER Long Conv.

    Listed for sale on:
    عداد المسافات:
    12,540 km
  • 2000 FREIGHTLINER Long Conv.

    2000 FREIGHTLINER Long Conv.

    Listed for sale on:
    عداد المسافات:
    365,803 km
  • 1997 FREIGHTLINER Long Conv.

    1997 FREIGHTLINER Long Conv.

    VIN 1FUYSSEB6VP741716
    Listed for sale on:
    عداد المسافات:
    0 km
  • 1999 FREIGHTLINER Med. Conv.

    1999 FREIGHTLINER Med. Conv.

    VIN 1FUW3WDA8XP992647
    Listed for sale on:
    عداد المسافات:
    650,365 km
  • 1998 FREIGHTLINER Long Conv.

    1998 FREIGHTLINER Long Conv.

    VIN 1FUWDMCA3WP925827
    Listed for sale on:
    عداد المسافات:
    790,017 km
  • 2000 FREIGHTLINER Med. Conv.

    2000 FREIGHTLINER Med. Conv.

    Listed for sale on:
    عداد المسافات:
    0 km
  • 1994 FREIGHTLINER Med. Conv.

    1994 FREIGHTLINER Med. Conv.

    VIN 1FUY6MCB1RH879909
    Listed for sale on:
    عداد المسافات:
    535,646 km
  • 1994 FREIGHTLINER Med. Conv.

    1994 FREIGHTLINER Med. Conv.

    VIN 2FUY3ECBXRA585541
    Listed for sale on:
    عداد المسافات:
    0 km
  • 1997 FREIGHTLINER Med. Conv.

    1997 FREIGHTLINER Med. Conv.

    VIN 1FUY3EDB0VL805868
    Listed for sale on:
    عداد المسافات:
    327,683 km
  • 1999 FREIGHTLINER Long Conv.

    1999 FREIGHTLINER Long Conv.

    Listed for sale on:
    عداد المسافات:
    360,112 km
  • 1996 FREIGHTLINER Med. Conv.

    1996 FREIGHTLINER Med. Conv.

    VIN 1FUY3MCB0TH834749
    Listed for sale on:
    عداد المسافات:
    94,153 km

أسئلة مكررة

تختلف الأماكن من مُصنع لآخر. ومع ذلك، هناك ثلاثة أماكن يمكنك العثور على الرمز بها في معظم المركبات:

- ابحث عند الزجاج الأمامي أمام عجلة القيادة. على جانب السائق، من المفترض أن تجد لوحة معدنية صغيرة عليها رقم مختوم.
- افتح باب السائق. ابحث في الجزء الأمامي والجانبي من قائم الباب لإيجاد ملصق تعريف السيارة. عادةً ما يكون عليه شعار الشركة المُصنعة. يجب أن يكون الرمز على هذا الملصق.
- افتح غطاء محرك السيارة. قد ترى ملصقًا على جدار الحماية أو بالقرب من برج الدعامة جهة الراكب. بعض السيارات لديها الرقم محفور في إحدى هذه المناطق.

نظرًا لاستخدام هذا الرقم لتعريف السيارة في المستندات الرسمية، يمكنك أيضًا العثور عليه في ملكية السيارة وملصق النافذة وفي بوالص التأمين.

نقوم أيضًا بفك ترميز أرقام المقطورات والشاحنات الثقيلة والدراجات النارية. إذا كنت بحاجة إلى فك ترميز مقطورة، تأكد من أنه الرقم الصادر عن الشركة المصنعة للهيكل، وليس المورد.

لا. عادة ما تستخدم السيارات الكندية والمكسيكية نفس الصيغة. تستخدم الدول الأخرى التنسيقات الخاصة بها.

الأمر متروك لجهة التصنيع لتحديد ما تريد تضمينه لبعض أجزاء الرقم. على سبيل المثال، لا تُدرج بعض الشركات معلومات حول عمليات النقل أو مستوى التجهيزات.

في العادة، لا. يقوم عدد قليل من الشركات المصنعة بختم الرمز على المحرك. إذا تطابق VINs على المحرك والسيارة، فهذا هو المحرك الأصلي. في معظم المركبات، لا يوجد أي شيء يربط المحرك بمركبة معينة. على الأكثر، سيخبرك البحث عن السيارة على موقعنا الإلكتروني إذا تم تثبيت نوع مختلف من المحركات. على سبيل المثال، إذا قام شخص ما بتبديل محرك V8 بسيارة فورد موستانج، فسيخبرك موقعنا أنها جاءت أصلاً بمحرك V6.

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