Что такое VIN номер и как узнать комплектацию авто?
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ПодробнееПолучите подробную информацию с помощью VIN номера International
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International Trucks have been built by the International Harvester Company since 1909. Since then, the company has grown to sell trucks worldwide, and has built or assembled trucks in North America, South America, Europe, and more — and in 1986 it took on its present-day moniker of Navistar International.
The International Harvester Corporation manufactures large trucks. An International VIN is a 17-character code that is used to identify the specific truck. Information about a specific International truck can be found using a VIN decoder, which reveals information about the vehicle's specifications and components. It wasn't until 1980 that the National Highway Transportation and Safety Administration (NHTSA) created a standard 17-character format for VINs in order to eliminate ongoing confusion about what every part number actually meant; therefore very limited information is available from International VINs prior to that time.
The International VIN decoder helps you decode the 17-character code (VIN) that uniquely identifies your vehicle and all the information related to it.
EpicVin offers an International VIN Decoder tool to help you track down your own truck. This tool is typically connected to a searchable database containing extensive entries about the year, make, model and engine type of any International truck. Use it to identify and track individual International vehicles for safety recalls and theft prevention purposes. EpicVin's online tools make it easy to run a DMV VIN check; meanwhile helping you verify seller information. We also offer history reports that can help you avoid buying problem vehicles.
If you plan to buy a car, it's important to know its history. The International's Vehicle Identification Number is an important tool that tells you the year of manufacture, where the vehicle was built, its trim level and its original equipment. Inconsistencies can reveal engine swaps and other changes that indicate the vehicle isn't original.
You can also use the VIN to search for vehicle history through the DMV. The VIN is a serial number that stays with the vehicle, allowing you to search through records going back to its date of manufacture.
To use the VIN decoder International search on our website, you first need to find the vehicle's VIN. This number is printed or stamped in several areas around the vehicle:
The Vehicle Identification Number identifies vehicles on registration and insurance forms. A VIN is usually printed on the title and other paperwork. Does your vehicle have a valid license plate number? Our license plate lookup will find the VIN currently registered to the plate, giving you the same information you’d get by entering the VIN directly into our search engine.
The Vehicle Identification Number is a unique number that identifies each vehicle. Each manufacturer has a slightly different way of encoding this number. Here's how International encodes each character in their VINs.
1st-2nd Characters – Manufacturing Country
The first number indicates the country where the vehicle was manufactured; 1 stands for the United States, 2 stands for Canada. All Canadian trucks were made by Chatham Ford in Ontario.
The second character indicates the manufacturer of the vehicle. The letter H is for International Harvester, which is now defunct.
3rd-4th Characters – Type of Vehicle and Weight Rating
The third and fourth characters indicate the type of vehicle and weight rating. For example, FC was used for the International Scout and FW for the DCO-405 trucks.
5th-7th Characters – Vehicle Type and Body Style
The fifth, sixth and seventh characters are for vehicle type and body style.
8th Character – Engine Configuration Information
The eighth character is used for engine configuration information. There were many sizes and types of engines used for International truck applications.
9th Character – Check Digit
The ninth character is the security character that confirms the vehicle identification number (VIN) is valid. It is generated from a mathematical formula with a weight factor table by the Department of Transportation.
10th Character – the Year of the International Vehicle Model
The 10th character gives the model year information. Meanings for the tenth character you can see below:
A | 1980 |
B | 1981 |
C | 1982 |
D | 1983 |
E | 1984 |
F | 1985 |
G | 1986 |
H | 1987 |
J | 1988 |
K | 1989 |
L | 1990 |
M | 1991 |
N | 1992 |
P | 1993 |
R | 1994 |
S | 1995 |
T | 1996 |
V | 1997 |
W | 1998 |
X | 1999 |
Y | 2000 |
1 | 2001 |
2 | 2002 |
3 | 2003 |
4 | 2004 |
5 | 2005 |
6 | 2006 |
7 | 2007 |
8 | 2008 |
9 | 2009 |
11th Character – Assembly Plant
The 11th digit in the license plate indicates the plant location. International trucks were built at several different locations, including G for Fort Wayne, Indiana; H for Springfield, Illinois; C for Chatham, Ontario; Y for San Leandro, California and L for Bridgeport, Connecticut.
12th to 17th Characters
The last six characters of a production serial number, unique to each vehicle, indicate the date of manufacture.
he VIN is a 17-digit number that tells you about your International truck's history. It contains important information about the vehicle, including accident-free status, engine type and year manufactured. At any time that you want to buy a new or second-hand International truck, always check for an accurate VIN decoder before signing papers. Here are some example numbers:
Места расположения варьируются от производителя к производителю. Однако есть три места, где вы можете найти код на большинстве транспортных средств:
- Посмотрите через лобовое стекло на приборную панель. Со стороны водителя вы должны увидеть небольшую металлическую табличку с нанесенным на нее номером.
- Откройте водительскую дверь. Посмотрите на переднюю и боковую части дверной стойки в поисках идентификационной наклейки. Обычно на ней есть логотип производителя. Код должен быть на этой наклейке.
- Открой капот. Вы можете увидеть наклейку на защитном экране или рядом с опорой стойки со стороны пассажира. На некоторых автомобилях номер выгравирован в одной из этих областей.
Поскольку этот номер используется для идентификации транспортного средства в официальных документах, вы также можете найти его в техпаспорте, наклейке на окно и на страховых полисах.
Мы также расшифровываем номера внедорожников, крупногабаритных грузовиков и мотоциклов. Если вам нужно расшифровать VIN грузовика, убедитесь, что он выдан производителем шасси, а не поставщиком оборудования для грузовика.
Нет. Канадские и мексиканские автомобили обычно используют один и тот же формат. Другие страны используют свои собственные стандарты.
Производитель сам определяет, что он хочет включить в некоторые части номера. Например, некоторые компании не включают информацию о коробках передач или комплектациях.
Обычно - нет. Несколько производителей наносят код на двигатель. Если VIN на двигателе и автомобиле совпадают, то это оригинальный двигатель. На большинстве транспортных средств нет ничего, что привязывало бы двигатель к конкретному транспортному средству. Самое большее, если посмотреть автомобиль на нашем веб-сайте, вы узнаете, был ли установлен другой тип двигателя. Например, если кто-то заменит V8 на Ford Mustang, наш сайт сообщит вам, что изначально он поставлялся с двигателем V6.
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