VIN декодер для Audi

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Что обозначает VIN номер Audi?

Although Audi was founded in 1909, the brand we know today didn’t get its start until 1969. After losing its factories to Russia during WWII and being unprofitable during Daimler-Benz’s ownership, the company was bought by Volkswagen. Fearing the brand would be shut down, designers secretly worked on the Audi 100. Volkswagen executives were so impressed by the design that they put the car into production. The company’s success was cemented by their innovative Quattro all wheel drive system, which helped the company dominate rally racing in the 1980s. By the 1990s, they were able to leverage this success to become Volkswagen’s luxury brand.

Whether you dream of owning a classic Quattro or a modern A8, buying a luxury car can be financially risky. By using our tools to decode the VIN, you can learn how a vehicle was built. This helps you verify seller information, so you know the car is still equipped as it was when it rolled off the factory line.

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Проверка VIN номера Audi

There’s no telling what modifications a car may have, which can make it hard to determine its authenticity. This may include slapping “R” or “RS” badges on a regular Audi, or bolting on accessories that weren’t made for the car. While there are many Audi VIN decoder options out there, our free Audi VIN decoder is the easiest way to get factory information on one of these cars. If you want to learn more about a vehicle, you can use our VIN report to get a full history, based on official resources including state titles, insurance claims and police reports.

Already own an Audi? Running a VIN check makes it easier to keep your car on the road. Although an Audi VIN decoder free check isn’t as in-depth as our paid reports, it does tell you important equipment information. That way, you can be sure you’re getting the correct parts for your car or crossover.

Где найти VIN?

To use our lookup tool, you need to find the VIN number. The vehicle identification number is printed and etched in several places on your vehicle, usually on locations that aren’t easily damaged or removed during the car’s life. These locations vary from model to model. Here are the most common VIN locations on Audis:

  • From outside the vehicle, look through the windshield at the driver’s side of the dash. You should see the VIN printed on the dashboard close to the wiper cowl.
  • Open the front driver’s side door and look at the B pillar. There is a small silver sticker on the side of the pillar, close to the door sill. This sticker lists the VIN, as well as other manufacturing information.
  • Open the hood. Look around the strut towers for a raised rectangular area on the bodywork. The VIN is stamped on this raised surface. On most Audis, this stamp is on the top of the inner fender, just behind the passenger’s side strut tower. Some models also have the VIN printed or etched into the firewall just below the wiper cowl.
  • On newer Audis, you can get the VIN from the infotainment system. Turn the key to the “ignition on” position, then press the “Car” button next to the scroll wheel. Scroll to the bottom of the menu and select “VIN Check”.
  • In some vehicles, the VIN is stamped on the floor of the trunk or cargo area. Lift up the carpeting or spare tire cover, and check the sheet metal close to the trunk or hatch latch.
  • Check under the front seats. The VIN is stamped on the floor pan, next to a small flap in the carpet.

The VIN is also used to identify vehicles on official documents. You can usually find it on titles, insurance paperwork and service receipts.

Where to find VIN on a vehicle?

Подробное руководство по расшифровке VIN

H 1987 V 1997 7 2007 H 2017
J 1988 W 1998 8 2008 J 2018
K 1989 X 1999 9 2009 K 2019
L 1990 Y 2000 A 2010 L 2020
M 1991 1 2001 B 2011 M 2021
N 1992 2 2002 C 2012 N 2022
P 1993 3 2003 D 2013 P 2023
R 1994 4 2004 E 2014 R 2024
S 1995 5 2005 F 2015 S 2025
T 1996 6 2006 G 2016 T 2026

The vehicle identification number uses 17 digits. This alphanumeric code includes the sequential production number, as well as information on the model, equipment and manufacturing location. Here’s the VIN decoder Audi information you can get from each of these digits.

The first three digits identify the manufacturer.

  • The first digit is the country where the vehicle was built. “W” is used for Germany and “T” for Hungary.
  • The second digit is the division that built the vehicle. “A” is for Audi Germany, “R” for Audi Hungary and “U” for Quattro GMBH. Keep in mind that not all Quattro models are built by Quattro GMBH.
  • The third digit is the vehicle class. Audi uses “U” for passenger cars and “1” for SUVs.

The fourth through eighth digits identify the vehicle model and equipment.

  • The fourth digit is the series. Audi uses letters to cover several models, so an “A” could be an A4, A5, A6 or R8. Instead, these letters are mostly used to divide trim levels and equipment. For example, an A5 Premium with a “C” in this position has an automatic transmission, while an “E” is used for manual transmission cars.
  • The fifth digit is the engine. These characters are divided into engine series, as well as power output and emissions. A 2.0 liter turbo four cylinder uses “F” for the standard version and an “E” for the PZEV (partial zero emissions vehicle) version.
  • The sixth digit is the restraint system. This identifies air bags and other safety equipment fitted to the car.
  • Digits 7 and 8 are the model.
FAA8 and S8
FBA6 and S6
FHA5 and S5 Cabriolets
FRA5 and S5

The ninth digit is a check digit. It matches with other information in the VIN to guarantee its authenticity. This reduces errors when using the VIN in databases, like our VIN lookup tool.

The tenth digit is the model year. This digit is standardized across all vehicles, and alternates between letters and numbers. The letters “O” and “Q” aren’t used, since they can be confused with “0”. This means 2022 models use “N” for this digit, while 2023 models use “P”.

The eleventh digit is the manufacturing plant.


The rest of the VIN is the vehicle’s serial number. Since this is only 6 digits, this number is reused. However, no two vehicles have an identical VIN.

Примеры VIN Audi

Using our Audi decoder, VIN information is easy to access. Here are some examples of what you’ll learn when you look up your vehicle.

  • WAUEA88DXTA287660:1996 A4 with a 2.8 liter engine built in Germany
  • WAUBA24B3XN104537:1999 A6 with a 2.8 liter engine built in Germany
  • WA1GFCFS1GR001844:2016 Q3 with a 2.0 liter engine built in Spain
  • 2011 AUDI TTS

    2011 AUDI TTS

    VIN TRUK1AFK9B1023767
    Выставлено на продажу:
    104,173 км
  • 2015 AUDI TTS

    2015 AUDI TTS

    VIN TRUS1AFK4F1000161
    Выставлено на продажу:
    116,206 км
  • 2022 AUDI TTS

    2022 AUDI TTS

    VIN TRUA1AFV6N1002661
    Выставлено на продажу:
    272 км
  • 2013 AUDI TTS

    2013 AUDI TTS

    VIN TRU41AFK7D1006350
    Выставлено на продажу:
    40,388 км
  • 2021 AUDI TTS

    2021 AUDI TTS

    VIN TRUA1AFV9M1002944
    Выставлено на продажу:
    15,722 км
  • 2012 AUDI TTS

    2012 AUDI TTS

    VIN TRUB3AFK6C1900355
    Выставлено на продажу:
    38,653 км
  • 2016 AUDI TTS

    2016 AUDI TTS

    VIN TRUC1AFV1G1013322
    Выставлено на продажу:
    131,295 км
  • 2019 AUDI TTS

    2019 AUDI TTS

    VIN TRUA1AFV1K1006628
    Выставлено на продажу:
    2,303 км
  • 2016 AUDI TTS

    2016 AUDI TTS

    VIN TRUC1AFV6G1028575
    Выставлено на продажу:
    39,990 км
  • 2022 AUDI TTS

    2022 AUDI TTS

    VIN TRUA1AFV6N1003230
    Выставлено на продажу:
    34,815 км
  • 2017 AUDI TTS

    2017 AUDI TTS

    VIN TRUC1AFV3H1011007
    Выставлено на продажу:
    27,518 км
  • 2012 AUDI TTS

    2012 AUDI TTS

    VIN TRU41AFK1C1017388
    Выставлено на продажу:
    60,128 км

Часто задаваемые вопросы

Места расположения варьируются от производителя к производителю. Однако есть три места, где вы можете найти код на большинстве транспортных средств:

- Посмотрите через лобовое стекло на приборную панель. Со стороны водителя вы должны увидеть небольшую металлическую табличку с нанесенным на нее номером.
- Откройте водительскую дверь. Посмотрите на переднюю и боковую части дверной стойки в поисках идентификационной наклейки. Обычно на ней есть логотип производителя. Код должен быть на этой наклейке.
- Открой капот. Вы можете увидеть наклейку на защитном экране или рядом с опорой стойки со стороны пассажира. На некоторых автомобилях номер выгравирован в одной из этих областей.

Поскольку этот номер используется для идентификации транспортного средства в официальных документах, вы также можете найти его в техпаспорте, наклейке на окно и на страховых полисах.

Мы также расшифровываем номера внедорожников, крупногабаритных грузовиков и мотоциклов. Если вам нужно расшифровать VIN грузовика, убедитесь, что он выдан производителем шасси, а не поставщиком оборудования для грузовика.

Нет. Канадские и мексиканские автомобили обычно используют один и тот же формат. Другие страны используют свои собственные стандарты.

Производитель сам определяет, что он хочет включить в некоторые части номера. Например, некоторые компании не включают информацию о коробках передач или комплектациях.

Обычно - нет. Несколько производителей наносят код на двигатель. Если VIN на двигателе и автомобиле совпадают, то это оригинальный двигатель. На большинстве транспортных средств нет ничего, что привязывало бы двигатель к конкретному транспортному средству. Самое большее, если посмотреть автомобиль на нашем веб-сайте, вы узнаете, был ли установлен другой тип двигателя. Например, если кто-то заменит V8 на Ford Mustang, наш сайт сообщит вам, что изначально он поставлялся с двигателем V6.

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