VIN декодер для Hyundai

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Что обозначает VIN номер Hyundai?

Hyundai reached American shores in 1986 with the Mitsubishi-based Excel. Although the company didn't introduce its first engine and transmission until 1991, they are now the 8th largest vehicle brand in America. Today, the company is well known for its sedans, SUVs, high-performance “N” division, and class-leading Ionic electric cars.

Are you shopping for a used Hyundai? EpicVIN's tools make it easy to decode the VIN, so you can learn how vehicles were configured from the factory. This includes where and when they were made and their standard equipment. If you want to learn more, order a VIN report. It will include a basic vehicle owner lookup, as well as data collected from government and corporate records. We are an official National Motor Vehicle Title Information Service (NMVTIS) source.

The VIN number is a unique identifier issued to every vehicle at the factory. Since 1981, this number has used a standard 17-character format containing vehicle information. This includes the model, engine, when, and where it was built. Our Hyundai VIN lookup will decode this number for you, so you can find out what all those characters mean. This makes verifying model information easy before looking at a vehicle.

Want to know more about a vehicle before you buy it? Order one of our vehicle reports. We gather information from government and corporate databases to create a complete vehicle history. It includes title changes, accident reports, and more. Helping you to avoid vehicles that could be hard to register and insure due to legal issues or are hiding hidden damage.

Список моделей Hyundai

Проверка VIN номера Hyundai

Why is it important to do a DMV VIN check? Our Hyundai VIN decoder will tell you all the information in this code. This includes where and when the vehicle was manufactured, its engine, transmission, and other important details. This lets you verify that the information in sales listings is correct, saving you time when looking for a specific model.

Где найти VIN?

There are several places you can find this number printed or stamped on the vehicle:

  • All modern vehicles sold in North America have the VIN printed on a plate attached to the dashboard. You can see this plate by standing next to the driver's door and looking through the windshield.
  • Hyundai places a sticker on the driver's side B pillar with the VIN and other vehicle information. Open the driver's door to see this sticker.
  • Open the hood and look at the firewall. You should see the VIN etched into the top center of the firewall, next to the wiper cowl. Many cars have insulation covering the firewall to keep heat and noise out of the passenger compartment. This insulation sheet has a small cutout around the VIN.

Since the VIN is critical, it may be found on vehicle paperwork, including titles, insurance policies, and service receipts. Still can't find the VIN? We also offer license plate lookup, which finds the VIN based on public vehicle registration records.

Where to find VIN on a vehicle?

Подробное руководство по расшифровке VIN

What kind of information can you look up when you use our VIN check? Here's a breakdown of each character's meaning in this code.

First Character: Country of Origin


Second Character: Division

HHyundai USA or Bromont, Canada
MHyundai Korea

Third Character: Brand

Hyundai divides its brand identifier into different plants and subdivisions. If there is a “3” in this position and an “H” or “W” in the eleventh position, the vehicle was built by Hyundai USA. If this character is an “M”, it was made in Bromont, Canada. Any other character in this position indicates Hyundai Korea built the vehicle.

Fourth Character: Model

Here's a list of codes used on common Hyundai models:

CSonata, Accent
GEquus, Genesis Coupe
JElantra, Tucson
LOther models
SSanta Fe
VAccent, Excel and S-Coupe

Fifth Character: Body Style or Trim Level

On most models, Hyundai uses this part of the VIN to indicate the vehicle's body type:

A5 door hatchback
D3 door hatchback
S, Wwagon

On 2001-2009 models, this number indicates the trim level. These numbers changed year to year.

Sixth Character: Trim Level or Body Style

On most models, this number indicates the trim level:

1Base model
3GLS, LS, LX, or GS

On 2001 to 2009 models, this number indicates the body style:

1, 8front wheel drive wagon
33 door hatchback
55 door hatchback
7all wheel drive wagon

Seventh Character: Safety Systems

This identifies the standard safety equipment built into the passenger compartment:

1seat belts only
3driver airbag
4driver and passenger airbag
5drive airbag and passenger airbag with On/Off switch

Eighth Character: Engine

Each possible digit in this position covers several engines, depending on the model. For example, an “A” in this position could be a 1.5l, a 1.8l or a 2.0l. Our Hyundai VIN check can tell you the correct engine for the vehicle's VIN.

Ninth Character: Checksum Digit

This digit is chosen based on other parts of the VIN. This acts as a form of error correction: if the result of the VIN formula and this digit don't match, part of the VIN was typed in wrong.

Tenth Character: Model Year

This digit is standard on all vehicles sold in North America. It alternates between numbers and letters. Letters have been used since 2010, while numbers will return in 2031.

Eleventh Character: Factory

This is where the vehicle was built.

Korean plants:


North American plants:

BBromont, Canada
HMontgomery, Alabama, USA
WLos Angeles, USA

Characters Twelve to Seventeen: Serial Number

All vehicles are required to use these characters for serial numbers, no matter who makes them. However, it's up to the manufacture to choose how they format this section. Hyundai uses the last digit to indicate the month of manufacture:


Serial numbers are reused, but complete VINs are never duplicated.

Примеры VIN Hyundai

What kind of information can you find using EpicVIN's VIN search? Here are a few examples:

  • 5NPEB4AC0BH281769 – 2011 Sonata 2.4l
  • KMHDU46DX7U102878 – 2007 Sonata 2.0l
  • KM8SC13EX5U005568 – 2005 Santa Fe 3.5l
  • 2020 HYUNDAI Accent

    2020 HYUNDAI Accent

    VIN 3KPC24A65LE097273
    Выставлено на продажу:
    11 км
  • 2020 HYUNDAI Accent

    2020 HYUNDAI Accent

    VIN 3KPC24A6XLE091968
    Выставлено на продажу:
    86,351 км
  • 2020 HYUNDAI Accent

    2020 HYUNDAI Accent

    VIN 3KPC24A61LE098307
    Выставлено на продажу:
    18 км
  • 2019 HYUNDAI Accent

    2019 HYUNDAI Accent

    VIN 3KPC24A3XKE069683
    Выставлено на продажу:
    100,560 км
  • 2020 HYUNDAI Accent

    2020 HYUNDAI Accent

    VIN 3KPC24A61LE097125
    Выставлено на продажу:
    0 км
  • 2020 HYUNDAI Accent

    2020 HYUNDAI Accent

    VIN 3KPC24A69LE100644
    Выставлено на продажу:
    9,259 км
  • 2018 HYUNDAI Accent

    2018 HYUNDAI Accent

    VIN 3KPC24A3XJE034639
    Выставлено на продажу:
    27,444 км
  • 2002 HYUNDAI Accent

    2002 HYUNDAI Accent

    VIN KMHCF35G02U174239
    Выставлено на продажу:
    135,494 км
  • 2019 HYUNDAI Accent

    2019 HYUNDAI Accent

    VIN 3KPC24A33KE050862
    Выставлено на продажу:
    35,938 км
  • 2019 HYUNDAI Accent

    2019 HYUNDAI Accent

    VIN 3KPC34A37KE057701
    Выставлено на продажу:
    7,796 км
  • 2003 HYUNDAI Accent

    2003 HYUNDAI Accent

    VIN KMHCF35C13U270914
    Выставлено на продажу:
    354,058 км
  • 2020 HYUNDAI Accent

    2020 HYUNDAI Accent

    VIN 3KPC24A61LE092443
    Выставлено на продажу:
    102,472 км

Часто задаваемые вопросы

Места расположения варьируются от производителя к производителю. Однако есть три места, где вы можете найти код на большинстве транспортных средств:

- Посмотрите через лобовое стекло на приборную панель. Со стороны водителя вы должны увидеть небольшую металлическую табличку с нанесенным на нее номером.
- Откройте водительскую дверь. Посмотрите на переднюю и боковую части дверной стойки в поисках идентификационной наклейки. Обычно на ней есть логотип производителя. Код должен быть на этой наклейке.
- Открой капот. Вы можете увидеть наклейку на защитном экране или рядом с опорой стойки со стороны пассажира. На некоторых автомобилях номер выгравирован в одной из этих областей.

Поскольку этот номер используется для идентификации транспортного средства в официальных документах, вы также можете найти его в техпаспорте, наклейке на окно и на страховых полисах.

Мы также расшифровываем номера внедорожников, крупногабаритных грузовиков и мотоциклов. Если вам нужно расшифровать VIN грузовика, убедитесь, что он выдан производителем шасси, а не поставщиком оборудования для грузовика.

Нет. Канадские и мексиканские автомобили обычно используют один и тот же формат. Другие страны используют свои собственные стандарты.

Производитель сам определяет, что он хочет включить в некоторые части номера. Например, некоторые компании не включают информацию о коробках передач или комплектациях.

Обычно - нет. Несколько производителей наносят код на двигатель. Если VIN на двигателе и автомобиле совпадают, то это оригинальный двигатель. На большинстве транспортных средств нет ничего, что привязывало бы двигатель к конкретному транспортному средству. Самое большее, если посмотреть автомобиль на нашем веб-сайте, вы узнаете, был ли установлен другой тип двигателя. Например, если кто-то заменит V8 на Ford Mustang, наш сайт сообщит вам, что изначально он поставлялся с двигателем V6.

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