Submit a request on discrepancy in your report


2012 BENTLEY Continental


Engine:  6L W Shaped LEV II

Transmission:  Automatic

Submiting a request for assistance you confirm all of the following statements are true:

Supporting Documents Details

Please attach all supporting documents before submitting this request. Documents must be within 6 months prior and 6 months after the non-state title odometer reading in question and should contain VIN, date, and odometer reading.

Terms and Conditions

You understand that any information that you submit to EpicVIN may be used by EpicVIN in its Vehicle History Service, may be incorporated into the EpicVIN Vehicle History Report for the VIN above and may be disclosed to defend against legal claims, if required by law and/or for purposes of law enforcement investigations.

You hereby authorize EpicVIN, its employees and agents, to gain access to any information associated with the VIN above.

You certify that the information you are providing to EpicVIN is accurate and complete. You agree to indemnify EpicVIN for any damages incurred as a result of any misstatements or omissions made by you.