Qué es un título reconstruido: guía completa
¿Qué implica comprar un coche usado con título reconstruido? En este artículo...
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Kawasaki refers to a brand of motorcycles manufactured by Kawasaki. Bikes sold in the United States come with a special VIN code. This VIN code can be used for a variety of purposes; however, it is mainly used to get a detailed report on the make and model of any vehicle, along with other information related to its repair and maintenance.
If you look at other letters, you can feel lost because you need to spend some time deciphering. Or you can try to use the VIN decoder Kawasaki to find out the following things:
If you're looking for information about your motorcycle, we offer a Kawasaki VIN Decoder. This tool is typically connected to a searchable database containing extensive entries about the year, make, model and engine type of any Kawasaki motorcycle. We provide an online version of this tool that makes it easy for you to run a DMV VIN check. EpicVin also offers history reports that can help you avoid buying problem vehicles.
Don't let the seller's inaccurate information discourage you from getting the vehicle you want. Our Kawasaki VIN decoder will help you determine whether or not the vehicle you're looking at is an exact replica of a factory-new model. Even if a model is faithfully recreated using factory parts, it won't have the same resale value as the genuine article. If you're in doubt about a particular make or model, we have DMV VIN check tools for a wide range of vehicles, including heavy duty truck, RV, ATV and motorcycle VIN check.
When you purchase a new car, it's important to know about its history. A vehicle history report (VIN) provides a detailed look at the vehicle's history, including information about its ownership and accident history. By knowing about these issues up front, you can make sure that your next car purchase is a safe one.
It's possible to find information about a vehicle's VIN in many places, but here are a few where the VIN is prominently listed:
The VIN is a unique identifier for each vehicle. Each manufacturer has a slightly different way of encoding this number. Here's how Kawasaki encodes each character in their VINs.
1st-3rd Characters – Manufacturing Country
The first three characters of a bike's serial number represent where the bike was made. And 1 stands for the United States, 2 for Canada and so on.
4th to 8th Characters – Vehicle Attributes
The five characters that follow are called the vehicle description code. They include information such as the type of engine, model name, body style and other details.
9th Character – Check Digit
The ninth character is the security character that confirms the vehicle identification number (VIN) is valid. It is generated from a mathematical formula with a weight factor table by the Department of Transportation.
10th Character – the year of the Kawasaki vehicle model
The character stands for the year of the Kawasaki vehicle model. It applies to the years 1980 and later and is coded as repeating cycles of alphabet letters (with I, O, Q, U, and Z omitted).
11th Character – Assembly Plant
The 11th character of the vehicle's VIN refers to a plant where the Kawasaki was assembled.
12th to 17th Characters
The last six characters of a production serial number, unique to each vehicle, indicate the date of manufacture.
Why is a Kawasaki 12-character VIN decoder used? With a motorcycle VIN decoder, you can determine whether your motorcycle is legitimate and not stolen. This helps determine its resale value based on model year and condition of the bike.
The VIN decoder is a completely free online service that you can use to get information about your Kawasaki motorcycle.
The 17-digit Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) is a great tool to help you check the history of your Kawasaki vehicle. You'll find out everything you need to know about your bike--from the year it was manufactured to whether or not it has ever been involved in an accident. If you buy a new or second-hand Kawasaki, always use a VIN decoder before signing papers. Here are some example numbers:
Las ubicaciones cambian de un fabricante a otro, pero hay tres zonas en las que se puede encontrar el código en la mayoría de los vehículos:
- Mira en el salpicadero a través del parabrisas. En el lado del conductor, deberías ver una pequeña placa metálica con el número estampado en ella.
- Abre la puerta del conductor. Busca una pegatina de identificación en la parte frontal y en el lateral del marco de la puerta. Suele incluir el logo del fabricante. El código debería aparecer en esa pegatina.
- Abre el capó. Puede que veas una pegatina en el cortafuegos o al lado de la barra antitorsión del lado del pasajero. Algunos autos tienen el número grabado en una de estas partes.
Puesto que este número se usa para identificar al vehículo en documentos oficiales, también lo puedes encontrar en el título, la pegatina de la ventana y las pólizas de seguros.
También decodificamos números de vehículos recreativos, camiones pesados y motos. Si necesitas decodificar el número de un vehículo recreativo, asegúrate de que sea el emitido por el fabricante del chasis, no el del proveedor de servicios de equipamiento adicional.
No. Los vehículos canadienses y mexicanos suelen tener el mismo formato. Otros países utilizan sus propios formatos.
Es el fabricante quien determina lo que se incluye en algunas partes del número. Por ejemplo, algunas empresas no incluyen información sobre la transmisión o los niveles de equipamiento.
Normalmente, no. Hay pocos fabricantes que estampan el código dentro del motor. En esos casos, si el VIN del motor y el del auto coinciden, se trata del motor original. En cambio, en la mayoría de los vehículos no hay nada que vincule un motor a un vehículo específico. Como mucho, buscar el vehículo en nuestra web te dirá si se ha instalado otro tipo de motor. Por ejemplo, si alguien pone un V8 en un Ford Mustang, nuestra página te dirá que originalmente traía un V6.
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