Ford VIN Decoder

Check vehicle information with Ford VIN

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Ford VIN Check: What is a Ford VIN?

In 1908, Ford revolutionized the auto industry with the release of the Model T. By using the latest manufacturing techniques, they were able to build the first affordable mass-produced car. Since then, they have expanded their operations across the world, building some of the most popular and influential models in automotive history. Whether you’re looking to buy a Focus for your commute or a classic Mustang for your next restoration, looking up the VIN can help you decide if a vehicle is worth buying.

On most Fords, you can find the VIN printed on a plate on the dashboard, near the bottom left or right corner of the windshield. Ford also puts this code on door sill plates, frames and many other locations. It’s even listed in some of their infotainment systems.

Using our site to get a VIN report can help you determine exactly what type of Ford you have. Here’s where you can find your vehicle information number, and decode that number to find information about the vehicle including the model, engine, frame construction, chassis and engine.

List of Ford Models

Ford VIN Number Lookup

Why should you look up your Ford’s VIN? This factory-issued number is an important inspection tool, allowing you to verify the history of a vehicle before you buy it. This code can tell you the year of manufacture, where the vehicle was built, its trim level, and its original equipment. Inconsistencies can reveal engine swaps and other changes that indicate the vehicle isn’t original. You can also use it to check the vehicle’s history through the DMV and third party record agencies. Unlike a license, the VIN stays with the vehicle, letting you search through records going back to its date of manufacture.

Where to Search for the VIN?

You can find the VIN on 1968 and later Fords in these locations:

  • On one of the body pillars, usually next to the driver’s side door sill
  • On the dashboard, next to the lower driver’s side corner of the windshield

The location of the VIN on 1967 and earlier vehicles isn’t standardized. Look in the following locations for a plate with the number printed on it:

  • On the pillars on the driver’s side of the car
  • In the glove box
  • On the right side dash panel
  • On the frame between the firewall and the steering box
  • On some older cars, the VIN is called the “warranty number”.

There are two ways to find the VIN electronically. If you use the FordPass program, you can find the VIN for your vehicle in the program’s app. To get the VIN, log into the app, select the vehicle, and select “Vehicle Details”. Scroll down and select “Vehicle Details” again. You should now see the VIN.

If your vehicle has Sync 3 or later, you can look up the VIN in your infotainment system. Press “Settings”, then “General” and finally “About SYNC”. Ford started offering Sync 3 for the 2016 model year. It is also offered as an upgrade for earlier vehicles.

Still can’t find the VIN? It’s also printed on some vehicle documentation, including insurance policies, lease agreements and vehicle registrations.

Where to find VIN on a vehicle?

Comprehensive VIN Decoder Guide

Here’s a breakdown of what all the digits mean in this number.

VIN Decode Guide

Digits 1-3

This is the World Manufacturer Identifier. The first digit is the country, the second digit is the manufacturer, and the third digit identifies groups of plants.

1F0 Ford Motor Company USA2FMFord Motor Company of Canada, Ltd.
1F1Ford Motor Company USA2FTFord Motor Company of Canada, Ltd.
1F6Detroit Chassis LLC USA3FAFord Motor Company Mexico
1F7MSX International Detroit, MI USA3FBFord Motor Company SA Mexico
1F8American Transportation Corp. USA3FDFord Motor Company Mexico
1FAFord Motor Company USA3FEFord Motor Company Mexico
1FBFord Motor Company USA3FNBlue Diamond Trucks S. De RL De CV Mexico
1FCFord Motor Company USA3FRBlue Diamond Trucks S. De RL De CV Mexico
1FDFord Motor Company USA3FTFord Motor Company Mexico
1FMFord Motor Company USA3M9Mopesa Motores Power S Mexico
1FTFord Motor Company USA6F1Ford Motor Company Australia
1ZVFord Motor Company USA9BFFord Brasil Brazil
1ZWAutoAlliance International USANM0FORD-OTOSAN Turkey
2FAFord Motor Company of Canada, Ltd.SBCIveco Ford Truck Ltd. United Kingdom
2FDFord Motor Company of Canada, Ltd.SFAFORD-OTOSAN Turkey
2FMFord Motor Company of Canada, Ltd.SFAFord Motor Company Ltd United Kingdom
2FTFord Motor Company of Canada, Ltd.TW2Ford Lutisania Sarl Portugal
3FAFord Motor Company MexicoUN1Henry Ford and Son Ltd Ireland
3FBFord Motor Company SA MexicoX9F LLC Ford Motor Company Russia
3FDFord Motor Company MexicoXLCFord Nederland NV Holland
VS6Ford Espana SA SpainY4FFord Union, Belarus
WF0Ford Werke AG GermanyWF0Ford Motor Company LLC Russia
WF1Ford Werke AG Germany  

Digit 4

This digit is the body type:

CodeBody Type
A5 door hatchback or limousine
Bthree door hatchback or limousine
Ctwo door coupe
Dthree door station wagon or two door combi (van with passenger seating and cargo space)
Etwo door sedan or three door limousine
Ffour door sedan
H5 door hatchback or combi, used only on the 5thgeneration Fiesta, made from 2001 to 2008, and the Torneo Connect
N5 door station wagon or 4 or 5 door cargo-passenger van
Sminibus or combi
U5 door hatchback or cargo-passenger van, used on 1stgeneration Fusion, produced from 2002 to 2009
Ttwo door sedan or limousine
Wtwo door combi

Digits 5, 6 and 7

These digits identify equipment specific to the model. This is usually enough information to determine the engine and cylinder head installed at the factory, as well as the trim level. Some VINs use the 7thdigit for equipment information, while others use it for manufacturing location.

Digits 7 and 8: Assembly Plant

This is the location where the vehicle was assembled.

7thand 8thdigit:

BADagenham, England
BBHalewood, England
BCLangley, England
BDSouthampton, England
CECork, Ireland
CNAmsterdam, Netherlands
CPAzambuja, Portugal
GACologne, Germany
GBGenk, Belgium
GCSaarlouis, Germany
GKKarmann, Germany
SHHiroshima, Japan
WGBarcelona, Spain
WPValencia, Spain
ZVFlat Rock, USA
TTKocaeli, Izmit, Tutsia

8thdigit only:

ACologne / Dagenham
AAbchak, Belarus
BHalewood, UK
BSan Bernado, Brazil
CSaarlouis, Germany / Langley
EGenk / Hailwood
KRhine, Germany
MReine (USA)
NPacheco, Spain
RValencia, Spain / Azambuya

Digit 9: Model Code

This code identifies the model of vehicle. Since it only uses letters, each letter may represent several models. Here are some examples from Ford’s European offerings:

AEscort. Orion and Focus
BTaunus, Sierra, Cortina, Mondeo and Cougar
ECapri, Puma and Probe
FFiesta and Courier
GGranada and Scorpio
JFiesta, Courier and Fusion
VTransit and Tourneo

Digit 10

This is the check digit, which helps reduce errors during data entry. It’s always the same as digit 4.

Digit 11: Year of Manufacture

This code alternates between numbers andletters. Some letters, like “O”, are skipped to avoid confusion with similar-shaped characters.

H 1987 V 1997 7 2007 H 2017
J 1988 W 1998 8 2008 J 2018
K 1989 X 1999 9 2009 K 2019
L 1990 Y 2000 A 2010 L 2020
M 1991 1 2001 B 2011 M 2021
N 1992 2 2002 C 2012 N 2022
P 1993 3 2003 D 2013 P 2023
R 1994 4 2004 E 2014 R 2024
S 1995 5 2005 F 2015 S 2025
T 1996 6 2006 G 2016 T 2026

Digit 12: Month of Manufacture

Ford uses four letters for each month, rotating through them every four years. These letters are in order for the 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023 model years.

JanuaryB, J, L, C
FebruaryR, U, Y, K
MarchA, M, S, D
AprilG, P, T, E
MayC, B, J, L
JuneK, R, U, Y
JulyD, A, M, S
AugustE, G, P, T
SeptemberL, C, B, J
OctoberY, K, R, U
NovemberS, D, A, M
DecemberT, E, G, P

Digit 13 to 17: Production Number

This serial number is unique to the vehicle. Production numbers are reused, but the same number is never used on two vehicles with the same date code.

What Information Can You Find with a Ford VIN Check?

Vehicle History and Condition

A Ford VIN lookup reveals accident history, maintenance records, previous owners, and potential hidden damages.

Legal and Security Information

A VIN check uncovers theft records, outstanding liens, and legal status, ensuring secure and risk-free transactions.

Decision-Making Essentials for Buying or Selling

A VIN verifies model year, trim, and specs, ensuring authenticity and accurate market value during transactions.

Technical Specifications and Features

A VIN decodes engine type, drivetrain, and factory-installed options for precise technical information and compatibility.

Parts Replacement and Maintenance

A VIN ensures sourcing compatible parts, simplifying maintenance planning, and improving repair accuracy for efficient performance.

Recalls and Alerts

VIN lookup identifies recalls and safety updates, ensuring prompt resolution of manufacturer issues for safe driving conditions.

Ford VIN Samples

  • 1FA3PBC0MF2465641: 021 Ford Mustang GT 5.0l coupe built in the United States
  • 2FMGK5BC9CBD20631: 2012 Ford Flex SE 3.5l built in Canada
  • 1FTCR10UXTPA78180: 1996 Ford Ranger Splash 3.0l built in the United States
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Frequently Asked Questions

The Ford VIN number meaning includes crucial identification details like the transmission type. The 9th is the model year, with the 7th denoting the type of engine, usually linked to the kind of transmission.

Typically, a Ford's VIN begins with a World Manufacturer Identifier (WMI), a three-letter code that specifies the country and manufacturer of the vehicle. For instance, a VIN for a US-made Ford begins with "1F." It is helpful knowing how to decode the first three letters of the Ford VIN, which can also be utilized in establishing origins and specifications.

Look for any recalls using the chassis number in the official Ford recall lookup tool; this will bring up any outstanding issues. Understanding what a Ford VIN number means provides an accurate identification for addressing any recalls and keeping the vehicle safe and roadworthy.

To identify your Ford's engine via the VIN, focus on the 7th character, which designates the engine type. You can cross-reference this character with a Ford VIN decoder. For example, "F" might indicate a 5.0L V8 engine, "T" could represent a 3.5L EcoBoost V6, and "P" might point to a 2.3L I4 engine

It's safe to share your vehicle's VIN for legitimate purposes, such as selling the car, verifying its history, or obtaining insurance quotes. However, only share it with trusted parties, as the VIN contains personal details about the car. Avoid posting the VIN on forums or social media to prevent the risk of car cloning.

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