Honda VIN Decoder

Check vehicle information with Honda VIN

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Honda VIN Check: What is a Honda VIN?

If you really want to know about your Honda, you need to decode your Honda VIN number. This factory-issued ID tells you the history of your vehicle, including when and where it was manufactured, and its original equipment. A VIN report also helps you verify the authenticity of your vehicle. There are plenty of unscrupulous sellers out there who try to hide accident damage, or put badging on a car to make it look like a performance version.

Shortly after the end of World War 2, Sochiro Honda had a dream: he was going to build a vehicle that would get Japan on the road to recovery. That dream became the Honda Cub motorcycle, the world’s most popular motor vehicle. From there, his company became a leader in engine development. Honda’s success as an automobile company is synonymous with their innovations in engine design. After success on the race track in the late 60s, they made a huge splash with their CVCC engine in the 70s, delivering high fuel economy and low emissions without a catalytic converter. In the 80s and 90s, their rugged, high power engines became popular in hot rodding circles, and VTEC became synonymous with the import tuner scene. Today, they continue to lead with their Earth Dreams engines and hybrid drive systems, while the CR-V, Accord and Civic are huge sellers around the world.

List of Honda Models

Honda VIN Number Lookup

Why should you search for your Honda VIN number? This unique identification number was issued by Honda when they built your vehicle. This number includes information about where your car was built, and the equipment it came with. Doing a VIN check lets you verify the vehicle hasn’t been modified since it was built. This is especially useful for desirable performance models, like the Civic Si and Type R. The VIN number is also required when you buy car insurance and file for a title. It’s also useful for repairs. By using trim model and serial number identification, you can determine which parts fit your Honda.

Where to Search for the VIN?

Whether you have a modern car or a classic, your Honda should have a VIN tag on the dashboard. This tag is on the driver’s side, next to the bottom corner of the windshield. This tag is positioned so it can be read from the outside of the vehicle, looking down into the cabin.

Hondas have a service tag on the driver’s side body pillar. This is the same tag that lists the recommended tire pressures for the vehicle, as well as its cargo capacity. The VIN number is near the bottom left of this tag. Newer vehicles have a bar code on the bottom of the service tag. The VIN is directly above this code.

The VIN is also printed on the firewall. To find this code, open the hood and look at the back of the engine compartment. The number is printed on a tag at the center of the vehicle, just below the windshield.

The vehicle identification number is also printed on or near parts of the body, chassis and engine for security. By printing the VIN on tamper-proof stickers, it’s easy to trace stolen parts. If you notice the VIN on the sticker is different from one of the main VIN tags, it usually means a salvage part was used to repair the vehicle.

Open the hood, and you may see VIN stickers in these locations:

  • On the underside of the hood, near the latch.
  • On the edge of the front bumper cover.
  • On the fenders, placed on the sides covered by the hood

Open the front doors, and you may find stickers in these locations:

  • On the pillars of the door frame, near the door sills
  • On the back of the door, just inside the door seal

Open the trunk or hatch, and you may find these stickers in these places:

  • On the underside of the trunk lid
  • On the bottom edge of the hatch
  • On the rear bumper cover

These locations and the total number of stickers vary, depending on your vehicle’s year and frame construction.

Need to know your VIN, and don’t have your car nearby? You can usually find this number on vehicle inspections, insurance paperwork and the title.

Where to find VIN on a vehicle?

Comprehensive VIN Decoder Guide

The Honda VIN is made up of 17 characters. Here’s how you decode these digits to determine the vehicle you have, where it was built, and what equipment it came with.

VIN Decode Guide

The first three characters are the country of origin:

1HGUnited States
SHHUnited Kingdom

Characters 4-6 are the body type and engine:

CodeBody Type & Engine
EJ6, EJ7 and EJ8Civic 1600cc three door hatchback
EJ9Civic 1400cc three door hatchback and four door sedan
EK1Civic 1600cc three door hatchback and four door sedan
EK3Civic 1500cc three door hatchback and four door sedan
EK4Civic 1600cc VTi three door hatchback and four door sedan.
MA9Civic 1500cc 5 door hatchback
MB1Civic 1600cc 5 door hatchback

Digit 7 is the body and transmission type:

CodeTansmission Type
3three door hatchback with a 5-speed manual
4three door hatchback with a four speed automatic or CVT
5four door sedan with a 5 speed manual
6four door sedan with a four speed automatic or CVT

Character 8 is the equipment level. The characters vary from model to model, and they aren’t consistent. A Civic LX uses a different code from an Accord LX, and even different years will use different codes for the same trim level.

Character 9 is a security check character, which verifies the authenticity of the VIN.

Character 10 on Japanese and British cars is another model identifier. In American cars, this digit is the model year. These alternate between letters excluding “I”, “O”, “Q” and “Z” and numbers 1-9. Letter “A” was used for 2010 and 1980 model years.

H 1987 V 1997 7 2007 H 2017
J 1988 W 1998 8 2008 J 2018
K 1989 X 1999 9 2009 K 2019
L 1990 Y 2000 A 2010 L 2020
M 1991 1 2001 B 2011 M 2021
N 1992 2 2002 C 2012 N 2022
P 1993 3 2003 D 2013 P 2023
R 1994 4 2004 E 2014 R 2024
S 1995 5 2005 F 2015 S 2025
T 1996 6 2006 G 2016 T 2026

Character 11 identifies the assembly plant:

LOntario, Canada
SSuzuka, Japan
CSaiyama, Japan
LOhio, USA
USwindon, England

Character 12 is the model year for British and Japanese Cars

Japanese cars:


British cars:


The rest of the digits are the serial number. This starts with character 12 on American cars, and character 13 on Japanese and British cars.

Honda VIN Samples

Here are a few examples of decoded Honda VIN numbers and the information you get when you lookup Honda VIN numbers.

  • 1HGEK158G5L004001: An American-made Civic sedan with an automatic transmission, built in 1995 at the Ohio plant.
  • 1HGEJ8144XL019972: An American-made Civic coupe with a manual transmission, built in 1999 at the Ohio plant.
  • JHMCR5F75EC000231: A Japanese-built Honda Accord with an automatic transmission, built in 2004 at the Saiyama plant.
  • 2009 HONDA Civic

    2009 HONDA Civic

    VIN 19XFA16539E002880
    Listed for sale on:
    360,748 km
  • 2009 HONDA Civic

    2009 HONDA Civic

    VIN 19XFA16579E039852
    Listed for sale on:
    159,152 km
  • 2009 HONDA Civic

    2009 HONDA Civic

    VIN 19XFA16569E041527
    Listed for sale on:
    0 km
  • 2009 HONDA Civic

    2009 HONDA Civic

    VIN 19XFA16539E051318
    Listed for sale on:
    164,116 km
  • 2009 HONDA Civic

    2009 HONDA Civic

    VIN 19XFA15679E029686
    Listed for sale on:
    130,685 km
  • 2009 HONDA Civic

    2009 HONDA Civic

    VIN 19XFA16539E037340
    Listed for sale on:
    0 km
  • 2009 HONDA Civic

    2009 HONDA Civic

    VIN 19XFA16509E016428
    Listed for sale on:
    52,650 km
  • 2009 HONDA Civic

    2009 HONDA Civic

    VIN 19XFA16529E022022
    Listed for sale on:
    0 km
  • 2009 HONDA Civic

    2009 HONDA Civic

    VIN 19XFA16529E028483
    Listed for sale on:
    188,014 km
  • 2009 HONDA Civic

    2009 HONDA Civic

    VIN 19XFA16519E041595
    Listed for sale on:
    209,301 km
  • 2009 HONDA Civic

    2009 HONDA Civic

    VIN 19XFA16589E007279
    Listed for sale on:
    245,547 km
  • 2009 HONDA Civic

    2009 HONDA Civic

    VIN 19XFA16529E032131
    Listed for sale on:
    279,531 km

Frequently Asked Questions

The Honda chassis number, part of the VIN, provides unique vehicle identification. The last six digits signify the sequential production number, while earlier characters indicate details like the plant and model. For example, if the chassis number ends with "000123," it means it was the 123rd unit built at that plant.

The first digit of a Honda VIN is its manufacturing mark. If it begins with "1," "4," or "5," it means the car was produced in the U.S. In case the first letter is "J," the automobile was made in Japan. Here is an example: "JHM" – the Honda’s come from Japan.

Honda VIN numbers begin with letters and numbers that show where the automobile was made and the brand. For example, "1HG" or "5JH" means the Honda was built in the U.S., while "JHM" means it was made in Japan. These details help you learn about the car’s origin and find its specs using the VIN.

Yes, sharing your Honda VIN is generally safe for identification purposes, such as during a sale or repair estimate. However, avoid sharing it publicly to prevent misuse. Sometimes, scammers secretly utilize your VIN to create counterfeit vehicle titles. So, pay attention to whom you share it with; these should be only people or businesses you trust.

Your Honda's VIN has special codes for its smog control setup. The eighth digit tells which clean-air rules it follows - whether it's built for California's strict standards or regular U.S. specs. This matters when registering your ride in different states.

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